Year (OLD)

Opening of Swimming Pool

Year (NEW)

I was in there somewhere - not sure where - but it was a magnifcent day for Yallourn - Lois Gust was Miss Olympics and was selected to go to Rome for the 1960 games - the money that supported her selection was raised in the Town - Lois was part of the Official opening ceremony - Lois was a member of the Yallourn Swimming Club and was one of the Club's top swimmers - back in the 'mud hole' days. It was really good to have a pool back in yallourn as the mud hole had been 'dug up' and the construction of the 'Olympic Pool' had taken a couple of years - so we had to travel to Morwell to have a swim. The opening of the new pool attracted a lot of 'new talent" to the Swimming Club as it was not long after the 1956 games in Melbourne and just prior to the Rome games in 1960. The yallourn swimming Club became the top club in Gippsland and remained so throughout the 60's