Robert Vincent YHS 1954 wrote:
"I am still settling back into suburbia after a 9-month teacher volunteer stint in Papua New Guinea. The duration was to have been 2 years, but City Mission Pt Moresby decided to "outsource" to the local Tech School. The truth is that City Mission lacked tools, materials, organisation and infrastructure to teach 10 boys in Woodwork, 10 in Metalwork and 10 in Mechanics all at once. One vice and a few power tools and a few (very few) hand tools amounted to "dreams impossible". Ya get that! I had good opportunity to reflect on how good the YTS and YHS education systems and teachers were and how good the Tech system was still when I later became a teacher. My casual relief teaching experience in recent years (after 20 years of design/drafting & engineering) has me wondering at the wisdom of Victoria dismantling the Tech School system.