Move in Year
Move out year

Learning to ride bikes, playing in "the bush" with the girls (Wendy Black, Jill Chittern, Judy Robertson, Judy Rawiller). Everyone came to the back door - front was around out of the way. Parents moved to 19 Reservoir Rd approx 1972-73.

When we first moved there was coming home for lunch from the state School. Dad had an SEC Land Rover/Jeep (old war time type) and he would pick up all the Allambee Crecsent kids and drive us home for lunch. I’m not sure how many piled in the back but far beyond what would have been legal today! He was often late so we usually only had the same time as if we had walked. When Paul Waters and his father moved to Allambee Crescent Paul was in High School and he trained for the School House Sports Cross Country by running home to lunch each day in gum boots (probably after school too). He won the cross country for Flinders!!
Kids names I can remember are McArthur’s @#4 (Jim, Grant, Dean and Brent), Rawilla’s @#6 (Ron and Judy), McPherson’s @#8 ( Jane, Ewen & Lachlan), Black’s @# 10(Wendy), Waters @#12 (Pam [older] & Paul, then later the twins Cecily & ???), McDonalds @#14 (Robert & Margaret), Robertson’s on the corner, 9 Driffield Rd (Judy with two older brothers), Pringle’s @ other corner of Driffield Rd (Ian), Chittem’s @# 5 or 7 (Jill & Ross), Wolf’s@# 3 or 5 (Diane).
Ewen and Lachlan used to play with boys who lived around the corner in Driffield Road between Allambee Cr and Coach Road. Fireworks were frequently used in creating demolition sites and blowing up roads they built for model cars.

Immediate neighbours: 10 - Graeme, Moya & Wendy Black; 6 - Rawiller (Ron & Judy at YHS)
Nearby neighbours: 2 - Prentice, 4 - McArthur, also Wolfe, Chittern; 12 - Waters; 9 Driffield Rd - Robertson