Judith Dolan (Dickson) YHS 1954 sent some photos and said:-

“I’d promised to give you photos of the School Choir in my year 1954-57. We used to be bussed to Dandenong to compete against other schools in Victoria. The choir was conducted by Graeme Bartle and later Val Pyers assisted. They also were the instigators of Gilbert & Sullivan operas performed at Yallourn Picture Theatre. I was always in the ‘extras’. We did “The Mikado”, “Yeoman of the Guard” and another - I can’t remember the name. Usually the teachers played and sang the main characters. It was great fun and highlights of my High School days.

I’ve tried to remember as many names as I can. As I went through my four years at YHS only in classes of girls, I didn’t get to know many of the boys. Maybe some of the older members can fill in the blanks and correct any I may have wrong.

My mother, Marge Dickson (Ebsworth) will be here with us for a few days to meet my first grandchild and her umpteenth great-grandchild.

I really enjoyed the reunion in March at Woorabinda. It was great that there were so many of my era - some I hadn’t seen since I left school. Thank goodness for the name tags! Congratulations to you and your committee for a job well done.

YALLOURN HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR - 1955 (Photo attached)
