Year (OLD)

Snow at 1 Allambee Cres - August 1964

Year (NEW)

I remember that. It was an amazing event to see snow. Although winter usually brought frost which coated the tops of fences in Allambee Crescent, snow was unusual. Winters were cold and I remember my hands freezing on my bike handlebars as I rode to swimming training early in the morning which must have only been in Autumn!


Dianne I can remember you travelling Coach Road past our house on the way to and from School. I can also remember you from the swimming Club. Your father and my father worked together at the SEC in Yallourn before your family moved away


Great to hear from you Kevin. I remember your dad too. He was great with his involvement at the swimming club.

Nice to hear from you as well Diane. I have loved the photos you posted, particularly the YHS girls swimming team (1964) most of the girls were or had been part of the Swimming Club, so I was able to identify most of them (you included), although there were 3 I couldn't name. That era in Yallourn and within the Swimming Club were such great times.