
This house is now situated at Old Gippstown and holds the collection of Dr James Andrew.


Hi Julie,
Thank you for posting this. I am a little interested in the plan - you can see in this one the chimney comes out of the centre of the house, not off one end. This is as the kitchen was designed for an electric stove, so there was no need for the chimney to be in common (backing onto) with the open fire in the living room. In this house, the open fire in the living room backs onto the passage. So I am assuming that this house was later than some of the others. Old Gippstown records indicate it was finished on 31 March 1930.

If anyone has the plans for this house, as distinct from the plans showing a wood stove in the kitchen at the back of a living room fireplace, Old Gippstown would be most interested to see a copy. or if anyone knows of any others made to this plan, it would be good to know too. The house is now protected by a Heritage Overlay in the Latrobe City Planning Scheme.
