Back Row: Darren Fanning, Lisa Ascolese, Leanne Goldsworthy, ? , Alannah Clayton, ? , ? , Clare Murphy, Janet Smart, ? , Carole Kelly, Paul Brosche
Middle Row: Marcia Brosche, Katie Murphy, Kerrin Larsen, Cathy D'Alterio, Linda Tarraran, Lisa Irwin, Dianne Kelly
Front Row: John Bridgman, Peter Broberg, Michael Irwin (holding sign), Shaun Bridgman, Peter Heriban

St Therese's Primary School

Hi Julie,

This photo is published on the Facebook site with the names. I have copied the details as follows

In this photo: Darren fanning, Lisa Ascolese, John Bridgman, Leanne Goldsworthy, Marcia Bishop, Katie Murphy, Alannah Clayton, Peter Broberg, Kerrin Larsen, Margie McIntyre, Micheal Irwin, Shaun Bridgman, Lisa Irwin, Peter Heriban, Veronica Walsh, Dianne Kelly, Carol Kelly

Regards Peter


Back Row: Darren Fanning,Lisa Ascolese, Leanne Goldsworthy, ? , Alannah Clayton, ?, ?, Clare Murphy, Janet Smart, ? , Carole Kelly, (Paul?) Broche. Middle Row : Marcia Broche, Katie Murphy, Kerrin Larsen, Cathy D'Alterio, Linda Tarraran, Lisa Irwin, Dianne Kelly. Front Row : John Bridgeman, Peter Broberg, Michael Irwin (holding sign), Shaun Bridgeman, Peter Heriban.