Move in Year
Move out year

Milk bar up the road; the park; going up the bush; mum and the pool room; going to the swimming pool; Yallourn High School; Yallourn Primary; St Therese's; climbing to the top of the trees in the town centre and at the church; soccer; footy; the time the town got flooded and people skiing in the main oval; the big Christmas stockings and collect the free tickets; Mr Oliver's bike shop; Mr Potter the taxi driver....Debbie

Heather Grove was a quiet little street off Strzelecki Road where the kids of the street would play games on the road - tennis and soccer. We had the little shop on the corner and the park behind it with the dizzy wiz and other fun things to climb on. Early on, Mrs Eastick had the shop for a long time and they had a cat that we would sit inside just cuddling it for ages. We had friends all around us and would all meet in the park, walk to the bush to catch frogs, lizards and build cubbies. We would go to the SEC garages behind the shop and climb up on the roof and jump off. All the people in our street and surrounds knew each other and we would go and visit them. I can remember when i was 3 that i would walk down the road and across Strzelecki and into the back door of Schultz's climb up on the chair and ask Mrs Schultz what she was doing. The Rissinich’s were like grandparents and we would go there lots and play with their grandkids - it was like a big family. Autumn was the best time - the leaves would all drop. We’d rake them up on our lawn and play in them and then have a fire - and the same for the leaves in the street - all the residents would sweep them up and have them burning in the gutter - loved that smell of leaves burning.
I think the Walkers were the last ones to have the shop. Their kids, Tracey and Craig, were younger. The shop had fairly steep steps to the residence. I remember when Craig was only little and actually fell up the stairs and put his teeth through his lips. We laughed so much how someone could fall up the stairs (poor kid). We had gold fish until we used to catch them and take them to the park and see if they would swim in the puddles (guess what - they didn’t). I also remember catching a tortoise walking across the road and took it home. I had lots of pets – lizards, rabbits, doves, pigeons, dog (that would bite everyone, especially me), possums that we would catch in the tea trees up the road. I even had a echidna that would dig in the front garden....Debbie

Immediate Neighbours: Linikar, Williams
Nearby Neighbours: Ken & Sue Thompson, Sue & Steve Mayes, McKenna, Crookston, Hibbert, Abel