Pictured - Yallourn Guides 1948



Guides 1925

This photograph, of the early years of Yallourn Guides, is part of a collection held by the Anglican Diocese of Gippsland.

It is hard to pin-point the exact year that the photograph was taken but it is probably 1925. One helpful clue is that Rev Percy Dicker, who served at Yallourn from 1920-25, can be seen in the group.  

Although the image is indistinct, the lady planting the tree is probably Mrs Alice Wilson who was the inaugural leader of the First Yallourn Guide group.  The new school building in the background is another clue that the photograph is from 1925; and the occasion may have been Arbor Day (see the letter below from a young girl, named Myrtle, to a newspaper in September that year).


An extract published in the ‘Sunday Times’ (a Sydney newspaper) on September 6th 1925 on Page: 2 offers further evidence of the year. A young correspondent named, Myrtle, sent this short letter to the children’s pages of the paper 

“YALLOURN. There is a State school at Yallourn. The school is a big brick place of 10 rooms. There are five teachers, Miss Cross, Mrs Goyden (head teacher), Miss Firmin, Miss King, and Miss Howard. On August 15 this year we had 'arbour day.' The Girl Guides marched up in their uniforms. They had their photos taken twice. The Captain, Mrs. Wilson, planted a tree-MYRTLE.”

Note: A search through newspapers of that time, revealed that Myrtle may have been the daughter of William and Susan Marshall who lived in the district in those early days of settlement.  Myrtle (perhaps a guide in Yallourn in 1925) was one of eleven Marshall siblings.

Another article, regarding the Yallourn Girl Guides and Arbor Day, was located in ‘The Argus’ (August 19th 1925 on page: 11) ….

“BROWN COAL MINE- Arbor Day was celebrated at the Yallourn State School. Trees and shrubs were planted according to a plan drawn up by the Electricity Commission's architect. A large gathering of parents, friends, and Girl Guides provided afternoon tea…”

Guides 1925 Extract

The above extract reported that the Yallourn Guides travelled to Traralgon in July 1925.  The text, as published in the ‘Gippsland Times’ on July 30th 1925, was difficult to read and apologies for any errors in transcribing (Roger).  

“GIRL GUIDES VISIT TRARALGON On Monday the First Sale Company St Paul’s Girl Guides accepted the invitation of the Traralgon Company to its birthday party, as did also the Yallourn Company. Commissioner Warren cut the birthday cake, and guests and hosts were regaled with all sorts of good things. A photograph of the united companies was taken.

Miss Warren, in a graceful speech, wished the Traralgon company many happy returns of the day. Rev. Mr. Blundell, wearing his scout uniform was most hearty in his speech of welcome.

Mrs Wilson and a member of the Yallourn Company voiced the grateful feelings of the contingent, as did Lieutenant N. Pearse for Sale.

Guide games and singing a horse-shoe formation with their colours by the Sale Company; an immense horseshoe by the united companies and the National Anthem concluded a delightful function.

The visitors speak in the highest terms of praise of the hospitality of the company and friends.

Miss Warren, the District Commissioner, is naturally proud of the ???? (obscured script) companies under the supervision and the spirit of sisterhood which prevails.”

This is another photograph of members of the First Yallourn Guides with Mrs Alice Wilson. This photograph at the ‘new’ Yallourn school and, in all probability, was taken on the same day as mentioned above.

Guides at school 1925


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Brownies 1964